Class SharedLinkSettings

  • public class SharedLinkSettings
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Detail

      • requirePassword

        protected final java.lang.Boolean requirePassword
      • linkPassword

        protected final java.lang.String linkPassword
      • expires

        protected final java.util.Date expires
      • allowDownload

        protected final java.lang.Boolean allowDownload
    • Constructor Detail

      • SharedLinkSettings

        public SharedLinkSettings​(@Nullable
                                  java.lang.Boolean requirePassword,
                                  java.lang.String linkPassword,
                                  java.util.Date expires,
                                  LinkAudience audience,
                                  RequestedLinkAccessLevel access,
                                  RequestedVisibility requestedVisibility,
                                  java.lang.Boolean allowDownload)
        Use newBuilder() to create instances of this class without specifying values for all optional fields.
        requirePassword - Boolean flag to enable or disable password protection.
        linkPassword - If getRequirePassword() is true, this is needed to specify the password to access the link.
        expires - Expiration time of the shared link. By default the link won't expire.
        audience - The new audience who can benefit from the access level specified by the link's access level specified in the `link_access_level` field of `LinkPermissions`. This is used in conjunction with team policies and shared folder policies to determine the final effective audience type in the `effective_audience` field of `LinkPermissions.
        access - Requested access level you want the audience to gain from this link. Note, modifying access level for an existing link is not supported.
        requestedVisibility - Use getAudience() instead. The requested access for this shared link.
        allowDownload - Boolean flag to allow or not download capabilities for shared links.
      • SharedLinkSettings

        public SharedLinkSettings()

        The default values for unset fields will be used.

    • Method Detail

      • getRequirePassword

        public java.lang.Boolean getRequirePassword()
        Boolean flag to enable or disable password protection.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getLinkPassword

        public java.lang.String getLinkPassword()
        If getRequirePassword() is true, this is needed to specify the password to access the link.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getExpires

        public java.util.Date getExpires()
        Expiration time of the shared link. By default the link won't expire.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getAudience

        public LinkAudience getAudience()
        The new audience who can benefit from the access level specified by the link's access level specified in the `link_access_level` field of `LinkPermissions`. This is used in conjunction with team policies and shared folder policies to determine the final effective audience type in the `effective_audience` field of `LinkPermissions.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getAccess

        public RequestedLinkAccessLevel getAccess()
        Requested access level you want the audience to gain from this link. Note, modifying access level for an existing link is not supported.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getRequestedVisibility

        public RequestedVisibility getRequestedVisibility()
        Use getAudience() instead. The requested access for this shared link.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getAllowDownload

        public java.lang.Boolean getAllowDownload()
        Boolean flag to allow or not download capabilities for shared links.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • newBuilder

        public static SharedLinkSettings.Builder newBuilder()
        Returns a new builder for creating an instance of this class.
        builder for this class.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toStringMultiline

        public java.lang.String toStringMultiline()
        Returns a String representation of this object formatted for easier readability.

        The returned String may contain newlines.

        Formatted, multiline String representation of this object