Class FileMetadata

  • public class FileMetadata
    extends Metadata
    • Field Detail

      • id

        protected final java.lang.String id
      • clientModified

        protected final java.util.Date clientModified
      • serverModified

        protected final java.util.Date serverModified
      • rev

        protected final java.lang.String rev
      • size

        protected final long size
      • mediaInfo

        protected final MediaInfo mediaInfo
      • symlinkInfo

        protected final SymlinkInfo symlinkInfo
      • isDownloadable

        protected final boolean isDownloadable
      • exportInfo

        protected final ExportInfo exportInfo
      • propertyGroups

        protected final java.util.List<PropertyGroup> propertyGroups
      • hasExplicitSharedMembers

        protected final java.lang.Boolean hasExplicitSharedMembers
      • contentHash

        protected final java.lang.String contentHash
    • Constructor Detail

      • FileMetadata

        public FileMetadata​(@Nonnull
                            java.lang.String name,
                            java.lang.String id,
                            java.util.Date clientModified,
                            java.util.Date serverModified,
                            java.lang.String rev,
                            long size,
                            java.lang.String pathLower,
                            java.lang.String pathDisplay,
                            java.lang.String parentSharedFolderId,
                            java.lang.String previewUrl,
                            MediaInfo mediaInfo,
                            SymlinkInfo symlinkInfo,
                            FileSharingInfo sharingInfo,
                            boolean isDownloadable,
                            ExportInfo exportInfo,
                            java.util.List<PropertyGroup> propertyGroups,
                            java.lang.Boolean hasExplicitSharedMembers,
                            java.lang.String contentHash,
                            FileLockMetadata fileLockInfo)
        Use newBuilder(java.lang.String,java.lang.String,java.util.Date,java.util.Date,java.lang.String,long) to create instances of this class without specifying values for all optional fields.
        name - The last component of the path (including extension). This never contains a slash. Must not be null.
        id - A unique identifier for the file. Must have length of at least 1 and not be null.
        clientModified - For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox. Since this time is not verified (the Dropbox server stores whatever the desktop client sends up), this should only be used for display purposes (such as sorting) and not, for example, to determine if a file has changed or not. Must not be null.
        serverModified - The last time the file was modified on Dropbox. Must not be null.
        rev - A unique identifier for the current revision of a file. This field is the same rev as elsewhere in the API and can be used to detect changes and avoid conflicts. Must have length of at least 9, match pattern "[0-9a-f]+", and not be null.
        size - The file size in bytes.
        pathLower - The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash. This field will be null if the file or folder is not mounted.
        pathDisplay - The cased path to be used for display purposes only. In rare instances the casing will not correctly match the user's filesystem, but this behavior will match the path provided in the Core API v1, and at least the last path component will have the correct casing. Changes to only the casing of paths won't be returned by DbxAppFilesRequests.listFolderContinue(String). This field will be null if the file or folder is not mounted.
        parentSharedFolderId - Please use FileSharingInfo.getParentSharedFolderId() or FolderSharingInfo.getParentSharedFolderId() instead. Must match pattern "[-_0-9a-zA-Z:]+".
        previewUrl - The preview URL of the file.
        mediaInfo - Additional information if the file is a photo or video. This field will not be set on entries returned by DbxAppFilesRequests.listFolder(String), DbxAppFilesRequests.listFolderContinue(String), or DbxUserFilesRequests.getThumbnailBatch(List), starting December 2, 2019.
        symlinkInfo - Set if this file is a symlink.
        sharingInfo - Set if this file is contained in a shared folder.
        isDownloadable - If true, file can be downloaded directly; else the file must be exported.
        exportInfo - Information about format this file can be exported to. This filed must be set if getIsDownloadable() is set to false.
        propertyGroups - Additional information if the file has custom properties with the property template specified. Must not contain a null item.
        hasExplicitSharedMembers - This flag will only be present if include_has_explicit_shared_members is true in DbxAppFilesRequests.listFolder(String) or DbxUserFilesRequests.getMetadata(String). If this flag is present, it will be true if this file has any explicit shared members. This is different from sharing_info in that this could be true in the case where a file has explicit members but is not contained within a shared folder.
        contentHash - A hash of the file content. This field can be used to verify data integrity. For more information see our Content hash page. Must have length of at least 64 and have length of at most 64.
        fileLockInfo - If present, the metadata associated with the file's current lock.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • FileMetadata

        public FileMetadata​(@Nonnull
                            java.lang.String name,
                            java.lang.String id,
                            java.util.Date clientModified,
                            java.util.Date serverModified,
                            java.lang.String rev,
                            long size)

        The default values for unset fields will be used.

        name - The last component of the path (including extension). This never contains a slash. Must not be null.
        id - A unique identifier for the file. Must have length of at least 1 and not be null.
        clientModified - For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox. Since this time is not verified (the Dropbox server stores whatever the desktop client sends up), this should only be used for display purposes (such as sorting) and not, for example, to determine if a file has changed or not. Must not be null.
        serverModified - The last time the file was modified on Dropbox. Must not be null.
        rev - A unique identifier for the current revision of a file. This field is the same rev as elsewhere in the API and can be used to detect changes and avoid conflicts. Must have length of at least 9, match pattern "[0-9a-f]+", and not be null.
        size - The file size in bytes.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
    • Method Detail

      • getName

        public java.lang.String getName()
        The last component of the path (including extension). This never contains a slash.
        getName in class Metadata
        value for this field, never null.
      • getId

        public java.lang.String getId()
        A unique identifier for the file.
        value for this field, never null.
      • getClientModified

        public java.util.Date getClientModified()
        For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox. Since this time is not verified (the Dropbox server stores whatever the desktop client sends up), this should only be used for display purposes (such as sorting) and not, for example, to determine if a file has changed or not.
        value for this field, never null.
      • getServerModified

        public java.util.Date getServerModified()
        The last time the file was modified on Dropbox.
        value for this field, never null.
      • getRev

        public java.lang.String getRev()
        A unique identifier for the current revision of a file. This field is the same rev as elsewhere in the API and can be used to detect changes and avoid conflicts.
        value for this field, never null.
      • getSize

        public long getSize()
        The file size in bytes.
        value for this field.
      • getPathLower

        public java.lang.String getPathLower()
        The lowercased full path in the user's Dropbox. This always starts with a slash. This field will be null if the file or folder is not mounted.
        getPathLower in class Metadata
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getPathDisplay

        public java.lang.String getPathDisplay()
        The cased path to be used for display purposes only. In rare instances the casing will not correctly match the user's filesystem, but this behavior will match the path provided in the Core API v1, and at least the last path component will have the correct casing. Changes to only the casing of paths won't be returned by DbxAppFilesRequests.listFolderContinue(String). This field will be null if the file or folder is not mounted.
        getPathDisplay in class Metadata
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getPreviewUrl

        public java.lang.String getPreviewUrl()
        The preview URL of the file.
        getPreviewUrl in class Metadata
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getSymlinkInfo

        public SymlinkInfo getSymlinkInfo()
        Set if this file is a symlink.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getSharingInfo

        public FileSharingInfo getSharingInfo()
        Set if this file is contained in a shared folder.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getIsDownloadable

        public boolean getIsDownloadable()
        If true, file can be downloaded directly; else the file must be exported.
        value for this field, or null if not present. Defaults to true.
      • getExportInfo

        public ExportInfo getExportInfo()
        Information about format this file can be exported to. This filed must be set if getIsDownloadable() is set to false.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getPropertyGroups

        public java.util.List<PropertyGroup> getPropertyGroups()
        Additional information if the file has custom properties with the property template specified.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getHasExplicitSharedMembers

        public java.lang.Boolean getHasExplicitSharedMembers()
        This flag will only be present if include_has_explicit_shared_members is true in DbxAppFilesRequests.listFolder(String) or DbxUserFilesRequests.getMetadata(String). If this flag is present, it will be true if this file has any explicit shared members. This is different from sharing_info in that this could be true in the case where a file has explicit members but is not contained within a shared folder.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getContentHash

        public java.lang.String getContentHash()
        A hash of the file content. This field can be used to verify data integrity. For more information see our Content hash page.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • getFileLockInfo

        public FileLockMetadata getFileLockInfo()
        If present, the metadata associated with the file's current lock.
        value for this field, or null if not present.
      • newBuilder

        public static FileMetadata.Builder newBuilder​(java.lang.String name,
                                                      java.lang.String id,
                                                      java.util.Date clientModified,
                                                      java.util.Date serverModified,
                                                      java.lang.String rev,
                                                      long size)
        Returns a new builder for creating an instance of this class.
        name - The last component of the path (including extension). This never contains a slash. Must not be null.
        id - A unique identifier for the file. Must have length of at least 1 and not be null.
        clientModified - For files, this is the modification time set by the desktop client when the file was added to Dropbox. Since this time is not verified (the Dropbox server stores whatever the desktop client sends up), this should only be used for display purposes (such as sorting) and not, for example, to determine if a file has changed or not. Must not be null.
        serverModified - The last time the file was modified on Dropbox. Must not be null.
        rev - A unique identifier for the current revision of a file. This field is the same rev as elsewhere in the API and can be used to detect changes and avoid conflicts. Must have length of at least 9, match pattern "[0-9a-f]+", and not be null.
        size - The file size in bytes.
        builder for this class.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class Metadata
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class Metadata
      • toStringMultiline

        public java.lang.String toStringMultiline()
        Returns a String representation of this object formatted for easier readability.

        The returned String may contain newlines.

        toStringMultiline in class Metadata
        Formatted, multiline String representation of this object