Class DbxDelta<MD extends Dumpable>

    • Field Summary

      Modifier and Type Field Description
      java.lang.String cursor
      A string that is used by the server to keep track of which entries have already been returned to you.
      java.util.List<DbxDelta.Entry<MD>> entries
      Apply these entries to your local state to catch up with the Dropbox server's state.
      boolean hasMore
      If true, then there are more entries available.
      boolean reset
      If true, then you should reset your local state to be an empty folder before processing the list of delta entries.
    • Constructor Summary

      Constructor Description
      DbxDelta​(boolean reset, java.util.List<DbxDelta.Entry<MD>> entries, java.lang.String cursor, boolean hasMore)  
    • Field Detail

      • reset

        public final boolean reset
        If true, then you should reset your local state to be an empty folder before processing the list of delta entries.

        This is always true for the first delta result, but for subsequent results it is true only in true rare situations. For example, if Dropbox changes their cursor format, or if a user asks Dropbox to completely reset his/her account, then the next time you call a delta API it may send down a reset and start you from scratch.

      • entries

        public final java.util.List<DbxDelta.Entry<MD extends Dumpable>> entries
        Apply these entries to your local state to catch up with the Dropbox server's state.
      • cursor

        public final java.lang.String cursor
        A string that is used by the server to keep track of which entries have already been returned to you. This is what you pass in to the next API call to continue where you left off.

        This cursor is valid for a long time. You'd typically store this somewhere persistent (such as a database) so you can resume continue you left off.

      • hasMore

        public final boolean hasMore
        If true, then there are more entries available. You can retrieve them immediately by making the call again (passing in cursor). If false, then wait at least 5 minutes before checking again.
    • Constructor Detail

      • DbxDelta

        public DbxDelta​(boolean reset,
                        java.util.List<DbxDelta.Entry<MD>> entries,
                        java.lang.String cursor,
                        boolean hasMore)
        reset - reset
        entries - entries
        cursor - cursor
        hasMore - hasMore