Class DbxUploader<R,​E,​X extends DbxApiException>

    • Method Detail

      • uploadAndFinish

        public R uploadAndFinish​( in)
                          throws X extends DbxApiException,
        Uploads all bytes read from the given InputStream and returns the response. This method manages closing this uploader's resources, so no further calls to close() are necessary. The underlying OutputStream returned by getOutputStream() will be closed by this method. This method is the equivalent of
            try {
                OutputStream out = uploader.getOutputStream();
                // read from in, write to out
                response = uploader.finish();
            } finally {
        in - InputStream containing data to upload
        Response from server
        X - if the server sent an error response for the request
        DbxException - if an error occurs uploading the data or reading the response - if an error occurs reading the input stream.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this uploader has already been closed (see close()) or finished (see finish())
        X extends DbxApiException
      • uploadAndFinish

        public R uploadAndFinish​( in,
                                 IOUtil.ProgressListener progressListener)
                          throws X extends DbxApiException,
        This method is the same as uploadAndFinish(InputStream, long) except for it allow tracking the upload progress.
        in - InputStream containing data to upload
        progressListener - OUtil.ProgressListener to track the upload progress. Only support OKHttpRequester and StandardHttpRequester.
        Response from server
        X - if the server sent an error response for the request
        DbxException - if an error occurs uploading the data or reading the response - if an error occurs reading the input stream.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this uploader has already been closed (see close()) or finished (see finish())
        X extends DbxApiException
      • uploadAndFinish

        public R uploadAndFinish​( in,
                                 long limit)
                          throws X extends DbxApiException,
        Uploads up to limit bytes read from the given InputStream and returns the response. This method upload bytes from the given InputStream until limit bytes have been read or end-of-stream is detected. Use uploadAndFinish(InputStream) to upload the entire stream. This method manages closing this uploader's resources, so no further calls to close() are necessary. The underlying OutputStream returned by getOutputStream() will be closed by this method. This method is the equivalent of
            try {
                OutputStream out = uploader.getOutputStream();
                // read at most `limit` bytes from in, write to out
                response = uploader.finish();
            } finally {
        in - InputStream containing data to upload
        limit - Maximum number of bytes to read from the given InputStream
        Response from server
        X - if the server sent an error response for the request
        DbxException - if an error occurs uploading the data or reading the response - if an error occurs reading the input stream.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this uploader has already been closed (see close()) or finished (see finish())
        X extends DbxApiException
      • uploadAndFinish

        public R uploadAndFinish​( in,
                                 long limit,
                                 IOUtil.ProgressListener progressListener)
                          throws X extends DbxApiException,
        This method is the same as uploadAndFinish(InputStream, long) except for it allows tracking the upload progress.
        in - InputStream containing data to upload
        limit - Maximum number of bytes to read from the given InputStream
        progressListener - OUtil.ProgressListener to track the upload progress. Only support OKHttpRequester and StandardHttpRequester.
        Response from server
        X - if the server sent an error response for the request
        DbxException - if an error occurs uploading the data or reading the response - if an error occurs reading the input stream.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this uploader has already been closed (see close()) or finished (see finish())
        X extends DbxApiException
      • close

        public void close()
        Closes this upload request and releases its underlying resources. This method should always be called to allow for proper resource deallocation.
            try {
                OutputStream out = uploader.getOutputStream();
                response = uploader.finish();
            } finally {
        Specified by:
        close in interface java.lang.AutoCloseable
        Specified by:
        close in interface
      • abort

        public void abort()
        Aborts this upload request and closes its underlying connection.
      • getOutputStream

        public getOutputStream()
        Returns an OutputStream that writes to the request body. Remember to call finish() to complete the request and retrieve the response. Data written to this stream will be uploaded. Typically you will not need this method and can use the more convenient uploadAndFinish(InputStream).
        Request body output stream.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this uploader has already been closed (see close()) or finished (see finish())
        See Also:
      • getOutputStream

        public getOutputStream​(IOUtil.ProgressListener progressListener)
        Returns an OutputStream that writes to the request body. Remember to call finish() to complete the request and retrieve the response. Data written to this stream will be uploaded. Typically you will not need this method and can use the more convenient uploadAndFinish(InputStream).
        progressListener - IOUtil.ProgressListener to track the upload progress. Only support OKHttpRequester and StandardHttpRequester.
        Request body output stream.
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this uploader has already been closed (see close()) or finished (see finish())
        See Also:
      • finish

        public R finish()
                 throws X extends DbxApiException,
        Completes the request and returns response from the server. This method should be called after writing data to the upload OutputStream (see getOutputStream()).
        Response from server
        X - if the server sent an error response for the request
        DbxException - if an error occurs sending the upload or reading the response
        java.lang.IllegalStateException - if this uploader has already been closed (see close()) or finished (see finish())
        X extends DbxApiException