Class DbxRequestConfig.Builder

    • Method Detail

      • withUserLocale

        public DbxRequestConfig.Builder withUserLocale​(java.lang.String userLocale)
        Set the locale of the app user. User-visible messages returned by the Dropbox servers will be localized to this locale.

        Defaults to null, which means strings will be localized according to the user's Dropbox locale preference.

        userLocale - locale of app user as an IETF BCP 47 language tag, or null to use the user's Dropbox locale settings.
        this builder
      • withUserLocaleFromPreferences

        public DbxRequestConfig.Builder withUserLocaleFromPreferences()
        Set the locale of user-visible messages returned by the Dropbox servers to the user's Dropbox locale.

        User-visible strings will be localized according to the user's Dropbox locale preference.

        this builder
      • withUserLocaleFrom

        public DbxRequestConfig.Builder withUserLocaleFrom​(java.util.Locale userLocale)
        Set the locale of the app user. User-visible messages returned by the Dropbox servers will be localized to this locale.

        Defaults to null, which means strings will be localized according to the user's Dropbox locale preference.

        userLocale - Locale of app user, or null to use user's Dropbox locale settings.
        this builder
      • withHttpRequestor

        public DbxRequestConfig.Builder withHttpRequestor​(HttpRequestor httpRequestor)
        Set the HTTP requestor to use for issuing network requests to the Dropbox servers.

        Defaults to StandardHttpRequestor.INSTANCE.

        httpRequestor - HTTP requestor to use for network requests, never null
        this builder
      • withAutoRetryEnabled

        public DbxRequestConfig.Builder withAutoRetryEnabled()
        Enables automatic retry of RPC and download requests that fail with a RetryException.

        The default number of 3 retries will be used in addition to the initial request. To specify the maximum number of retries, see withAutoRetryEnabled(int).

        By default, the client will not automatically retry any requests.

        this builder
      • withAutoRetryEnabled

        public DbxRequestConfig.Builder withAutoRetryEnabled​(int maxRetries)
        Enables automatic retry of RPC and download requests that fail with a RetryException.

        The client will retry failed requests a maximum of maxRetries times before propogating the exception. Note that maxRetries does not count the initial request attempt. For example, if maxRetries is 3, the client may issue a request a total of 4 times: once for the initial call, then 3 additional times for the 3 retries.

        By default, the client will not automatically retry any requests.

        To enable automatic retries with the default maximum number of attempts, use withAutoRetryEnabled().

        maxRetries - maximum number of times to retry a retriable failed request. Must be positive.
        this builder
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - if maxRetries is not positive.
      • build

        public DbxRequestConfig build()
        Builds an instance of DbxRequestConfig with this builder's configured parameters or defaults.
        new DbxRequestConfig instance.