
public class TeamLogRoutes : DropboxTransportClientOwning

Routes for the team_log namespace For Objective-C compatible routes see DBTeamLogRoutes

  • Retrieves team events. If the result’s hasMore in GetTeamEventsResult field is true, call getEventsContinue with the returned cursor to retrieve more entries. If end_time is not specified in your request, you may use the returned cursor to poll getEventsContinue for new events. Many attributes note ‘may be missing due to historical data gap’. Note that the file_operations category and & analogous paper events are not available on all Dropbox Business plans /business/plans-comparison. Use features/get_values /developers/documentation/http/teams#team-features-get_values to check for this feature. Permission : Team Auditing.

    • scope:



    public func getEvents(
        limit: UInt32 = 1_000,
        accountId: String? = nil,
        time: TeamCommon.TimeRange? = nil,
        category: TeamLog.EventCategory? = nil,
        eventType: TeamLog.EventTypeArg? = nil
    ) -> RpcRequest<TeamLog.GetTeamEventsResultSerializer, TeamLog.GetTeamEventsErrorSerializer>



    The maximal number of results to return per call. Note that some calls may not return limit number of events, and may even return no events, even with has_more set to true. In this case, callers should fetch again using getEventsContinue.


    Filter the events by account ID. Return only events with this account_id as either Actor, Context, or Participants.


    Filter by time range.


    Filter the returned events to a single category. Note that category shouldn’t be provided together with event_type.


    Filter the returned events to a single event type. Note that event_type shouldn’t be provided together with category.

    Return Value

    Through the response callback, the caller will receive a TeamLog.GetTeamEventsResult object on success or a TeamLog.GetTeamEventsError object on failure.

  • Once a cursor has been retrieved from getEvents, use this to paginate through all events. Permission : Team Auditing.

    • scope:



    public func getEventsContinue(cursor: String)
        -> RpcRequest<TeamLog.GetTeamEventsResultSerializer, TeamLog.GetTeamEventsContinueErrorSerializer>



    Indicates from what point to get the next set of events.

    Return Value

    Through the response callback, the caller will receive a TeamLog.GetTeamEventsResult object on success or a TeamLog.GetTeamEventsContinueError object on failure.