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namespace Dropbox;
* OAuth 2 "authorization code" flow. (This SDK does not support the "token" flow.)
* Use {@link start} and {@link finish} to guide your
* user through the process of giving your app access to their Dropbox account.
* At the end, you will have an access token, which you can pass to {@link Client}
* and start making API calls.
* Example:
* <code>
* use \Dropbox as dbx;
* function getWebAuth()
* {
* $appInfo = dbx\AppInfo::loadFromJsonFile(...);
* $clientIdentifier = "my-app/1.0";
* $redirectUri = "https://example.org/dropbox-auth-finish";
* $csrfTokenStore = new dbx\ArrayEntryStore($_SESSION, 'dropbox-auth-csrf-token');
* return new dbx\WebAuth($appInfo, $clientIdentifier, $redirectUri, $csrfTokenStore, ...);
* }
* // ----------------------------------------------------------
* // In the URL handler for "/dropbox-auth-start"
* $authorizeUrl = getWebAuth()->start();
* header("Location: $authorizeUrl");
* // ----------------------------------------------------------
* // In the URL handler for "/dropbox-auth-finish"
* try {
* list($accessToken, $userId, $urlState) = getWebAuth()->finish($_GET);
* assert($urlState === null); // Since we didn't pass anything in start()
* }
* catch (dbx\WebAuthException_BadRequest $ex) {
* error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: bad request: " . $ex->getMessage());
* // Respond with an HTTP 400 and display error page...
* }
* catch (dbx\WebAuthException_BadState $ex) {
* // Auth session expired. Restart the auth process.
* header('Location: /dropbox-auth-start');
* }
* catch (dbx\WebAuthException_Csrf $ex) {
* error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: CSRF mismatch: " . $ex->getMessage());
* // Respond with HTTP 403 and display error page...
* }
* catch (dbx\WebAuthException_NotApproved $ex) {
* error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: not approved: " . $ex->getMessage());
* }
* catch (dbx\WebAuthException_Provider $ex) {
* error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: error redirect from Dropbox: " . $ex->getMessage());
* }
* catch (dbx\Exception $ex) {
* error_log("/dropbox-auth-finish: error communicating with Dropbox API: " . $ex->getMessage());
* }
* // We can now use $accessToken to make API requests.
* $client = dbx\Client($accessToken, ...);
* </code>
class WebAuth extends WebAuthBase
* The URI that the Dropbox server will redirect the user to after the user finishes
* authorizing your app. This URI must be HTTPS-based and
* <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/developers/apps">pre-registered with Dropbox</a>,
* though "localhost"-based and ""-based URIs are allowed without pre-registration
* and can be either HTTP or HTTPS.
* @return string
function getRedirectUri() { return $this->redirectUri; }
/** @var string */
private $redirectUri;
* A object that lets us save CSRF token string to the user's session. If you're using the
* standard PHP `$_SESSION`, you can pass in something like
* `new ArrayEntryStore($_SESSION, 'dropbox-auth-csrf-token')`.
* If you're not using $_SESSION, you might have to create your own class that provides
* the same `get()`/`set()`/`clear()` methods as
* {@link ArrayEntryStore}.
* @return ValueStore
function getCsrfTokenStore() { return $this->csrfTokenStore; }
/** @var object */
private $csrfTokenStore;
* Constructor.
* @param AppInfo $appInfo
* See {@link getAppInfo()}
* @param string $clientIdentifier
* See {@link getClientIdentifier()}
* @param null|string $redirectUri
* See {@link getRedirectUri()}
* @param null|ValueStore $csrfTokenStore
* See {@link getCsrfTokenStore()}
* @param null|string $userLocale
* See {@link getUserLocale()}
function __construct($appInfo, $clientIdentifier, $redirectUri, $csrfTokenStore, $userLocale = null)
parent::__construct($appInfo, $clientIdentifier, $userLocale);
Checker::argStringNonEmpty("redirectUri", $redirectUri);
$this->csrfTokenStore = $csrfTokenStore;
$this->redirectUri = $redirectUri;
* Starts the OAuth 2 authorization process, which involves redirecting the user to the
* returned authorization URL (a URL on the Dropbox website). When the user then
* either approves or denies your app access, Dropbox will redirect them to the
* `$redirectUri` given to constructor, at which point you should
* call {@link finish()} to complete the authorization process.
* This function will also save a CSRF token using the `$csrfTokenStore` given to
* the constructor. This CSRF token will be checked on {@link finish()} to prevent
* request forgery.
* See <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/docs#oa2-authorize">/oauth2/authorize</a>.
* @param string|null $urlState
* Any data you would like to keep in the URL through the authorization process.
* This exact state will be returned to you by {@link finish()}.
* @param boolean|null $forceReapprove
* If a user has already approved your app, Dropbox may skip the "approve" step and
* redirect immediately to your callback URL. Setting this to `true` tells
* Dropbox to never skip the "approve" step.
* @return array
* The URL to redirect the user to.
* @throws Exception
function start($urlState = null, $forceReapprove = false)
Checker::argStringOrNull("urlState", $urlState);
$csrfToken = self::encodeCsrfToken(Security::getRandomBytes(16));
$state = $csrfToken;
if ($urlState !== null) {
$state .= "|";
$state .= $urlState;
return $this->_getAuthorizeUrl($this->redirectUri, $state, $forceReapprove);
private static function encodeCsrfToken($string)
return strtr(base64_encode($string), '+/', '-_');
* Call this after the user has visited the authorize URL ({@link start()}), approved your app,
* and was redirected to your redirect URI.
* See <a href="https://www.dropbox.com/developers/core/docs#oa2-token">/oauth2/token</a>.
* @param array $queryParams
* The query parameters on the GET request to your redirect URI.
* @return array
* A `list(string $accessToken, string $userId, string $urlState)`, where
* `$accessToken` can be used to construct a {@link Client}, `$userId`
* is the user ID of the user's Dropbox account, and `$urlState` is the
* value you originally passed in to {@link start()}.
* @throws Exception
* Thrown if there's an error getting the access token from Dropbox.
* @throws WebAuthException_BadRequest
* @throws WebAuthException_BadState
* @throws WebAuthException_Csrf
* @throws WebAuthException_NotApproved
* @throws WebAuthException_Provider
function finish($queryParams)
Checker::argArray("queryParams", $queryParams);
$csrfTokenFromSession = $this->csrfTokenStore->get();
Checker::argStringOrNull("this->csrfTokenStore->get()", $csrfTokenFromSession);
// Check well-formedness of request.
if (!isset($queryParams['state'])) {
throw new WebAuthException_BadRequest("Missing query parameter 'state'.");
$state = $queryParams['state'];
Checker::argString("queryParams['state']", $state);
$error = null;
$errorDescription = null;
if (isset($queryParams['error'])) {
$error = $queryParams['error'];
Checker::argString("queryParams['error']", $error);
if (isset($queryParams['error_description'])) {
$errorDescription = $queryParams['error_description'];
Checker::argString("queryParams['error_description']", $errorDescription);
$code = null;
if (isset($queryParams['code'])) {
$code = $queryParams['code'];
Checker::argString("queryParams['code']", $code);
if ($code !== null && $error !== null) {
throw new WebAuthException_BadRequest("Query parameters 'code' and 'error' are both set;".
" only one must be set.");
if ($code === null && $error === null) {
throw new WebAuthException_BadRequest("Neither query parameter 'code' or 'error' is set.");
// Check CSRF token
if ($csrfTokenFromSession === null) {
throw new WebAuthException_BadState();
$splitPos = strpos($state, "|");
if ($splitPos === false) {
$givenCsrfToken = $state;
$urlState = null;
} else {
$givenCsrfToken = substr($state, 0, $splitPos);
$urlState = substr($state, $splitPos + 1);
if (!Security::stringEquals($csrfTokenFromSession, $givenCsrfToken)) {
throw new WebAuthException_Csrf("Expected ".Util::q($csrfTokenFromSession) .
", got ".Util::q($givenCsrfToken) .".");
// Check for error identifier
if ($error !== null) {
if ($error === 'access_denied') {
// When the user clicks "Deny".
if ($errorDescription === null) {
throw new WebAuthException_NotApproved("No additional description from Dropbox.");
} else {
throw new WebAuthException_NotApproved("Additional description from Dropbox: $errorDescription");
} else {
// All other errors.
$fullMessage = $error;
if ($errorDescription !== null) {
$fullMessage .= ": ";
$fullMessage .= $errorDescription;
throw new WebAuthException_Provider($fullMessage);
// If everything went ok, make the network call to get an access token.
list($accessToken, $userId) = $this->_finish($code, $this->redirectUri);
return array($accessToken, $userId, $urlState);