Dropbox SDK for PHP
Dropbox\AppInfo | Your app's API key and secret. |
Dropbox\ArrayEntryStore | A class that gives get/put/clear access to a single entry in an array. |
Dropbox\AuthBase | Base class for API authorization-related classes. |
Dropbox\AuthInfo | This class contains methods to load an AppInfo and AccessToken from a JSON file. This can help simplify simple scripts (such as the example programs that come with the SDK) but is probably not useful in typical Dropbox API apps. |
Dropbox\Client | The class used to make most Dropbox API calls. You can use this once you've gotten an
AccessToken via |
Dropbox\OAuth1AccessToken | Use with |
Dropbox\OAuth1Upgrader | Lets you convert OAuth 1 access tokens to OAuth 2 access tokens. First call OAuth1AccessTokenUpgrader::createOAuth2AccessToken() to get an OAuth 2 access token. If that succeeds, call OAuth1AccessTokenUpgrader::disableOAuth1AccessToken() to disable the OAuth 1 access token. |
Dropbox\Path | Path validation functions. |
Dropbox\RootCertificates | See: Dropbox\RootCertificates::useExternalPaths() |
Dropbox\Security | Helper functions for security-related things. |
Dropbox\SSLTester | Call the test() method. |
Dropbox\Util | |
Dropbox\WebAuth | OAuth 2 "authorization code" flow. (This SDK does not support the "token" flow.) |
Dropbox\WebAuthBase | The base class for the two auth options. |
Dropbox\WebAuthNoRedirect | OAuth 2 code-based authorization for apps that can't provide a redirect URI, typically command-line example apps. |
Dropbox\WriteMode | Describes how a file should be saved when it is written to Dropbox. |
Dropbox\ValueStore | A contract for a class which provides simple get/set/clear access to a single string
value. |
Dropbox\AppInfoLoadException | Thrown by the AppInfo::loadXXX methods if something goes wrong. |
Dropbox\AuthInfoLoadException | Thrown by the AuthInfo::loadXXX methods if something goes wrong. |
Dropbox\DeserializeException | If, when loading a serialized RequestToken or AccessToken, the input string is malformed, this exception will be thrown. |
Dropbox\Exception | The base class for all API call exceptions. |
Dropbox\Exception_BadRequest | Thrown when the server tells us that our request was invalid. This is typically due to an HTTP 400 response from the server. |
Dropbox\Exception_BadResponse | When this SDK can't understand the response from the server. This could be due to a bug in this SDK or a buggy response from the Dropbox server. |
Dropbox\Exception_BadResponseCode | Thrown when the the Dropbox server responds with an HTTP status code we didn't expect. |
Dropbox\Exception_InvalidAccessToken | The Dropbox server said that the access token you used is invalid or expired. You should probably ask the user to go through the OAuth authorization flow again to get a new access token. |
Dropbox\Exception_NetworkIO | There was a network I/O error when making the request. |
Dropbox\Exception_OverQuota | User is over Dropbox storage quota. |
Dropbox\Exception_ProtocolError | There was an protocol misunderstanding between this SDK and the server. One of us didn't understand what the other one was saying. |
Dropbox\Exception_RetryLater | The Dropbox server said it couldn't fulfil our request right now, but that we should try again later. |
Dropbox\Exception_ServerError | The Dropbox server said that there was an internal error when trying to fulfil our request. This usually corresponds to an HTTP 500 response. |
Dropbox\HostLoadException | Thrown by the Host::loadFromJson method if something goes wrong. |
Dropbox\StreamReadException | Thrown when there's an error reading from a stream that was passed in by the caller. |
Dropbox\WebAuthException_BadRequest | Thrown if the redirect URL was missing parameters or if the given parameters were not valid. |
Dropbox\WebAuthException_BadState | Thrown if all the parameters are correct, but there's no CSRF token in the session. This probably means that the session expired. |
Dropbox\WebAuthException_Csrf | Thrown if the given 'state' parameter doesn't contain the CSRF token from the user's session. This is blocked to prevent CSRF attacks. |
Dropbox\WebAuthException_NotApproved | Thrown if the user chose not to grant your app access to their Dropbox account. |
Dropbox\WebAuthException_Provider | Thrown if Dropbox returns some other error about the authorization request. |