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namespace Dropbox;
class SSLTester
static function test()
$hostOs = php_uname('s').' '.php_uname('r');
$phpVersion = phpversion();
$curlVersionInfo = \curl_version();
$curlVersion = $curlVersionInfo['version'];
$curlSslBackend = $curlVersionInfo['ssl_version'];
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "Testing your PHP installation's SSL implementation for a few obvious problems...\n";
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "- Host OS: $hostOs\n";
echo "- PHP version: $phpVersion\n";
echo "- cURL version: $curlVersion\n";
echo "- cURL SSL backend: $curlSslBackend\n";
echo "Basic SSL tests\n";
$basicFailures = self::testMulti(array(
array("www.dropbox.com", 'testAllowed'),
array("www.digicert.com", 'testAllowed'),
array("www.v.dropbox.com", 'testHostnameMismatch'),
array("testssl-expire.disig.sk", 'testUntrustedCert'),
echo "Pinned certificate tests\n";
$pinnedCertFailures = self::testMulti(array(
array("www.verisign.com", 'testUntrustedCert'),
array("www.globalsign.fr", 'testUntrustedCert'),
if ($basicFailures) {
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "WARNING: Your PHP installation's SSL support is COMPLETELY INSECURE.\n";
echo "Your app's communication with the Dropbox API servers can be viewed and\n";
echo "manipulated by others. Try upgrading your version of PHP.\n";
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
return false;
else if ($pinnedCertFailures) {
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
echo "WARNING: Your PHP installation's cURL module doesn't support SSL certificate\n";
echo "pinning, which is an important security feature of the Dropbox SDK.\n";
echo "\n";
echo "This SDK uses CURLOPT_CAINFO and CURLOPT_CAPATH to tell PHP cURL to only trust\n";
echo "our custom certificate list. But your PHP installation's cURL module seems to\n";
echo "trust certificates that aren't on that list.\n";
echo "\n";
echo "More information on SSL certificate pinning:\n";
echo "https://www.owasp.org/index.php/Certificate_and_Public_Key_Pinning#What_Is_Pinning.3F\n";
echo "-----------------------------------------------------------------------------\n";
return false;
else {
return true;
private static function testMulti($tests)
$anyFailed = false;
foreach ($tests as $test) {
list($host, $testType) = $test;
echo " - ".str_pad("$testType ($host) ", 50, ".");
$url = "https://$host/";
$passed = self::$testType($url);
if ($passed) {
echo " ok\n";
} else {
echo " FAILED\n";
$anyFailed = true;
return $anyFailed;
private static function testAllowed($url)
$curl = RequestUtil::mkCurl("test-ssl", $url);
return true;
private static function testUntrustedCert($url)
return self::testDisallowed($url, 'Error executing HTTP request: SSL certificate problem, verify that the CA cert is OK');
private static function testHostnameMismatch($url)
return self::testDisallowed($url, 'Error executing HTTP request: SSL certificate problem: Invalid certificate chain');
private static function testDisallowed($url, $expectedExceptionMessage)
$curl = RequestUtil::mkCurl("test-ssl", $url);
try {
catch (Exception_NetworkIO $ex) {
if (strpos($ex->getMessage(), $expectedExceptionMessage) == 0) {
return true;
} else {
throw $ex;
return false;