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namespace Dropbox;
final class AppInfo
function getKey() { return $this->key; }
private $key;
function getSecret() { return $this->secret; }
private $secret;
function getHost() { return $this->host; }
private $host;
function __construct($key, $secret)
$this->key = $key;
$this->secret = $secret;
$host = null;
if (\func_num_args() == 3) {
$host = \func_get_arg(2);
Host::checkArgOrNull("host", $host);
if ($host === null) {
$host = Host::getDefault();
$this->host = $host;
static function loadFromJsonFile($path)
list($rawJson, $appInfo) = self::loadFromJsonFileWithRaw($path);
return $appInfo;
static function loadFromJsonFileWithRaw($path)
if (!file_exists($path)) {
throw new AppInfoLoadException("File doesn't exist: \"$path\"");
$str = Util::stripUtf8Bom(file_get_contents($path));
$jsonArr = json_decode($str, true, 10);
if (is_null($jsonArr)) {
throw new AppInfoLoadException("JSON parse error: \"$path\"");
$appInfo = self::loadFromJson($jsonArr);
return array($jsonArr, $appInfo);
static function loadFromJson($jsonArr)
if (!is_array($jsonArr)) {
throw new AppInfoLoadException("Expecting JSON object, got something else");
$requiredKeys = array("key", "secret");
foreach ($requiredKeys as $key) {
if (!array_key_exists($key, $jsonArr)) {
throw new AppInfoLoadException("Missing field \"$key\"");
if (!is_string($jsonArr[$key])) {
throw new AppInfoLoadException("Expecting field \"$key\" to be a string");
$appKey = $jsonArr["key"];
$appSecret = $jsonArr["secret"];
$tokenErr = self::getTokenPartError($appKey);
if (!is_null($tokenErr)) {
throw new AppInfoLoadException("Field \"key\" doesn't look like a valid app key: $tokenErr");
$tokenErr = self::getTokenPartError($appSecret);
if (!is_null($tokenErr)) {
throw new AppInfoLoadException("Field \"secret\" doesn't look like a valid app secret: $tokenErr");
try {
$host = Host::loadFromJson($jsonArr);
catch (HostLoadException $ex) {
throw new AppInfoLoadException($ex->getMessage());
return new AppInfo($appKey, $appSecret, $host);
static function checkArg($argName, $argValue)
if (!($argValue instanceof self)) Checker::throwError($argName, $argValue, __CLASS__);
static function checkArgOrNull($argName, $argValue)
if ($argValue === null) return;
if (!($argValue instanceof self)) Checker::throwError($argName, $argValue, __CLASS__);
static function getTokenPartError($s)
if ($s === null) return "can't be null";
if (strlen($s) === 0) return "can't be empty";
if (strstr($s, ' ')) return "can't contain a space";
return null;
static function checkKeyArg($key)
$error = self::getTokenPartError($key);
if ($error === null) return;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Bad 'key': \"$key\": $error.");
static function checkSecretArg($secret)
$error = self::getTokenPartError($secret);
if ($error === null) return;
throw new \InvalidArgumentException("Bad 'secret': \"$secret\": $error.");