Class DbxUserPaperRequests

  • public class DbxUserPaperRequests
    extends java.lang.Object
    Routes in namespace "paper".
    • Constructor Detail

      • DbxUserPaperRequests

        public DbxUserPaperRequests​(DbxRawClientV2 client)
    • Method Detail

      • docsArchive

        public void docsArchive​(java.lang.String docId)
                         throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Marks the given Paper doc as archived.

        This action can be performed or undone by anyone with edit permissions to the doc.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        This endpoint will be retired in September 2020. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for more information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsCreate

        public DocsCreateUploader docsCreate​(ImportFormat importFormat)
                                      throws DbxException
        Creates a new Paper doc with the provided content.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        This endpoint will be retired in September 2020. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for more information.

        importFormat - The format of provided data. Must not be null.
        Uploader used to upload the request body and finish request.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsCreate

        public DocsCreateUploader docsCreate​(ImportFormat importFormat,
                                             java.lang.String parentFolderId)
                                      throws DbxException
        Creates a new Paper doc with the provided content.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        This endpoint will be retired in September 2020. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for more information.

        importFormat - The format of provided data. Must not be null.
        parentFolderId - The Paper folder ID where the Paper document should be created. The API user has to have write access to this folder or error is thrown.
        Uploader used to upload the request body and finish request.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsDownload

        public DbxDownloader<PaperDocExportResult> docsDownload​(java.lang.String docId,
                                                                ExportFormat exportFormat)
                                                         throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Exports and downloads Paper doc either as HTML or markdown.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        exportFormat - Must not be null.
        Downloader used to download the response body and view the server response.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsDownloadBuilder

        public DocsDownloadBuilder docsDownloadBuilder​(java.lang.String docId,
                                                       ExportFormat exportFormat)
        Exports and downloads Paper doc either as HTML or markdown. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.
        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        exportFormat - Must not be null.
        Downloader builder for configuring the request parameters and instantiating a downloader.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsFolderUsersList

        public ListUsersOnFolderResponse docsFolderUsersList​(java.lang.String docId)
                                                      throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Lists the users who are explicitly invited to the Paper folder in which the Paper doc is contained. For private folders all users (including owner) shared on the folder are listed and for team folders all non-team users shared on the folder are returned.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        The limit request parameter will default to 1000 (see docsFolderUsersList(String,int)).

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsFolderUsersList

        public ListUsersOnFolderResponse docsFolderUsersList​(java.lang.String docId,
                                                             int limit)
                                                      throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Lists the users who are explicitly invited to the Paper folder in which the Paper doc is contained. For private folders all users (including owner) shared on the folder are listed and for team folders all non-team users shared on the folder are returned.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        limit - Size limit per batch. The maximum number of users that can be retrieved per batch is 1000. Higher value results in invalid arguments error. Must be greater than or equal to 1 and be less than or equal to 1000.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsGetFolderInfo

        public FoldersContainingPaperDoc docsGetFolderInfo​(java.lang.String docId)
                                                    throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Retrieves folder information for the given Paper doc. This includes:

        - folder sharing policy; permissions for subfolders are set by the top-level folder.

        - full 'filepath', i.e. the list of folders (both folderId and folderName) from the root folder to the folder directly containing the Paper doc.

        If the Paper doc is not in any folder (aka unfiled) the response will be empty.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        Metadata about Paper folders containing the specififed Paper doc.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsList

        public ListPaperDocsResponse docsList()
                                       throws DbxApiException,
        Return the list of all Paper docs according to the argument specifications. To iterate over through the full pagination, pass the cursor to docsListContinue(String).

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        The default values for the optional request parameters will be used. See DocsListBuilder for more details.

      • docsListBuilder

        public DocsListBuilder docsListBuilder()
        Return the list of all Paper docs according to the argument specifications. To iterate over through the full pagination, pass the cursor to docsListContinue(String). Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.
        Request builder for configuring request parameters and completing the request.
      • docsListContinue

        public ListPaperDocsResponse docsListContinue​(java.lang.String cursor)
                                               throws ListDocsCursorErrorException,
        Once a cursor has been retrieved from docsList(com.dropbox.core.v2.paper.ListPaperDocsArgs), use this to paginate through all Paper doc.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        cursor - The cursor obtained from docsList(com.dropbox.core.v2.paper.ListPaperDocsArgs) or docsListContinue(String). Allows for pagination. Must not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsPermanentlyDelete

        public void docsPermanentlyDelete​(java.lang.String docId)
                                   throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Permanently deletes the given Paper doc. This operation is final as the doc cannot be recovered.

        This action can be performed only by the doc owner.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsSharingPolicyGet

        public SharingPolicy docsSharingPolicyGet​(java.lang.String docId)
                                           throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Gets the default sharing policy for the given Paper doc.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        Sharing policy of Paper doc.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsSharingPolicySet

        public void docsSharingPolicySet​(java.lang.String docId,
                                         SharingPolicy sharingPolicy)
                                  throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Sets the default sharing policy for the given Paper doc. The default 'team_sharing_policy' can be changed only by teams, omit this field for personal accounts.

        The 'public_sharing_policy' policy can't be set to the value 'disabled' because this setting can be changed only via the team admin console.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        sharingPolicy - The default sharing policy to be set for the Paper doc. Must not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsUpdate

        public DocsUpdateUploader docsUpdate​(java.lang.String docId,
                                             PaperDocUpdatePolicy docUpdatePolicy,
                                             long revision,
                                             ImportFormat importFormat)
                                      throws DbxException
        Updates an existing Paper doc with the provided content.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        This endpoint will be retired in September 2020. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for more information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        docUpdatePolicy - The policy used for the current update call. Must not be null.
        revision - The latest doc revision. This value must match the head revision or an error code will be returned. This is to prevent colliding writes.
        importFormat - The format of provided data. Must not be null.
        Uploader used to upload the request body and finish request.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsUsersAdd

        public java.util.List<AddPaperDocUserMemberResult> docsUsersAdd​(java.lang.String docId,
                                                                        java.util.List<AddMember> members)
                                                                 throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Allows an owner or editor to add users to a Paper doc or change their permissions using their email address or Dropbox account ID.

        The doc owner's permissions cannot be changed.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        The default values for the optional request parameters will be used. See DocsUsersAddBuilder for more details.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        members - User which should be added to the Paper doc. Specify only email address or Dropbox account ID. Must contain at most 20 items, not contain a null item, and not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsUsersAddBuilder

        public DocsUsersAddBuilder docsUsersAddBuilder​(java.lang.String docId,
                                                       java.util.List<AddMember> members)
        Allows an owner or editor to add users to a Paper doc or change their permissions using their email address or Dropbox account ID. The doc owner's permissions cannot be changed. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.
        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        members - User which should be added to the Paper doc. Specify only email address or Dropbox account ID. Must contain at most 20 items, not contain a null item, and not be null.
        Request builder for configuring request parameters and completing the request.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsUsersList

        public ListUsersOnPaperDocResponse docsUsersList​(java.lang.String docId)
                                                  throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Lists all users who visited the Paper doc or users with explicit access. This call excludes users who have been removed. The list is sorted by the date of the visit or the share date.

        The list will include both users, the explicitly shared ones as well as those who came in using the Paper url link.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        The default values for the optional request parameters will be used. See DocsUsersListBuilder for more details.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsUsersListBuilder

        public DocsUsersListBuilder docsUsersListBuilder​(java.lang.String docId)
        Lists all users who visited the Paper doc or users with explicit access. This call excludes users who have been removed. The list is sorted by the date of the visit or the share date. The list will include both users, the explicitly shared ones as well as those who came in using the Paper url link. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.
        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        Request builder for configuring request parameters and completing the request.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • docsUsersRemove

        public void docsUsersRemove​(java.lang.String docId,
                                    MemberSelector member)
                             throws DocLookupErrorException,
        Allows an owner or editor to remove users from a Paper doc using their email address or Dropbox account ID.

        The doc owner cannot be removed.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        docId - The Paper doc ID. Must not be null.
        member - User which should be removed from the Paper doc. Specify only email address or Dropbox account ID. Must not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • foldersCreate

        public PaperFolderCreateResult foldersCreate​(java.lang.String name)
                                              throws PaperFolderCreateErrorException,
        Create a new Paper folder with the provided info.

        Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper.

        Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.

        name - The name of the new Paper folder. Must not be null.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • foldersCreateBuilder

        public FoldersCreateBuilder foldersCreateBuilder​(java.lang.String name)
        Create a new Paper folder with the provided info. Note that this endpoint will continue to work for content created by users on the older version of Paper. To check which version of Paper a user is on, use /users/features/get_values. If the paper_as_files feature is enabled, then the user is running the new version of Paper. Refer to the Paper Migration Guide for migration information.
        name - The name of the new Paper folder. Must not be null.
        Request builder for configuring request parameters and completing the request.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.