Class SearchV2Result

  • public class SearchV2Result
    extends java.lang.Object
    • Field Detail

      • matches

        protected final java.util.List<SearchMatchV2> matches
      • hasMore

        protected final boolean hasMore
      • cursor

        protected final java.lang.String cursor
    • Constructor Detail

      • SearchV2Result

        public SearchV2Result​(@Nonnull
                              java.util.List<SearchMatchV2> matches,
                              boolean hasMore,
                              java.lang.String cursor)
        matches - A list (possibly empty) of matches for the query. Must not contain a null item and not be null.
        hasMore - Used for paging. If true, indicates there is another page of results available that can be fetched by calling DbxUserFilesRequests.searchContinueV2(String) with the cursor.
        cursor - Pass the cursor into DbxUserFilesRequests.searchContinueV2(String) to fetch the next page of results. Must have length of at least 1.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
      • SearchV2Result

        public SearchV2Result​(@Nonnull
                              java.util.List<SearchMatchV2> matches,
                              boolean hasMore)

        The default values for unset fields will be used.

        matches - A list (possibly empty) of matches for the query. Must not contain a null item and not be null.
        hasMore - Used for paging. If true, indicates there is another page of results available that can be fetched by calling DbxUserFilesRequests.searchContinueV2(String) with the cursor.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If any argument does not meet its preconditions.
    • Method Detail

      • getMatches

        public java.util.List<SearchMatchV2> getMatches()
        A list (possibly empty) of matches for the query.
        value for this field, never null.
      • getHasMore

        public boolean getHasMore()
        Used for paging. If true, indicates there is another page of results available that can be fetched by calling DbxUserFilesRequests.searchContinueV2(String) with the cursor.
        value for this field.
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        hashCode in class java.lang.Object
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(java.lang.Object obj)
        equals in class java.lang.Object
      • toString

        public java.lang.String toString()
        toString in class java.lang.Object
      • toStringMultiline

        public java.lang.String toStringMultiline()
        Returns a String representation of this object formatted for easier readability.

        The returned String may contain newlines.

        Formatted, multiline String representation of this object