Class OkHttp3Requestor

    • Constructor Detail

      • OkHttp3Requestor

        public OkHttp3Requestor​(okhttp3.OkHttpClient client)
        Creates a new instance of this requestor that uses client for its requests.
         OkHttpClient client = OkHttp3Requestor.defaultOkHttpClient();
         HttpRequestor requestor = new OkHttp3Requestor(client);

        If you need to make modifications to the OkHttpClient settings:

         OkHttpClient client = OkHttp3Requestor.defaultOkHttpClientBuilder()
             .readTimeout(2, TimeUnit.MINUTES)
    • Method Detail

      • defaultOkHttpClient

        public static okhttp3.OkHttpClient defaultOkHttpClient()
        Returns an OkHttpClient instance with the default settings for this SDK.
      • defaultOkHttpClientBuilder

        public static okhttp3.OkHttpClient.Builder defaultOkHttpClientBuilder()
        Returns an OkHttpClient.Builder instance with the default settings for this SDK.
      • getClient

        public okhttp3.OkHttpClient getClient()
        Returns the underlying OkHttpClient used to make requests. If you want to modify the client for a particular request, create a new instance of this requestor with the modified client.
        underlying OkHttpClient used by this requestor.
      • configureRequest

        protected void configureRequest​(okhttp3.Request.Builder request)
        Called beforing building the request and executing it.

        This method should be used by subclasses to make any changes or additions to the request before it is issued.

        request - Builder of request to be executed
      • interceptResponse

        protected okhttp3.Response interceptResponse​(okhttp3.Response response)
        Called before returning HttpRequestor.Response from a request.

        This method should be used by subclasses to add any logging, analytics, or cleanup necessary.

        If the response body is consumed, it should be replaced.

        response - OkHttp response
        OkHttp response