Class DbxTeamClientV2

  • public class DbxTeamClientV2
    extends DbxTeamClientV2Base
    Use this class to make remote calls to the Dropbox API team endpoints. Team endpoints expose actions you can perform on or for a Dropbox team. You'll need a team access token first, normally acquired by directing a Dropbox Business team administrator through the auth flow using DbxWebAuth.

    Team clients can access user endpoints by using the asMember(java.lang.String) method. This allows team clients to perform actions as a particular team member.

    This class has no mutable state, so it's thread safe as long as you pass in a thread safe HttpRequestor implementation.

    • Constructor Detail

      • DbxTeamClientV2

        public DbxTeamClientV2​(DbxRequestConfig requestConfig,
                               java.lang.String accessToken)
        Creates a client that uses the given OAuth 2 access token as authorization when performing requests against the default Dropbox hosts.
        requestConfig - Default attributes to use for each request
        accessToken - OAuth 2 access token (that you got from Dropbox) that gives your app the ability to make Dropbox API calls. Typically acquired through DbxWebAuth
      • DbxTeamClientV2

        public DbxTeamClientV2​(DbxRequestConfig requestConfig,
                               java.lang.String accessToken,
                               DbxHost host)
        Same as DbxTeamClientV2(DbxRequestConfig, String) except you can also set the hostnames of the Dropbox API servers. This is used in testing. You don't normally need to call this.
        requestConfig - Default attributes to use for each request
        accessToken - OAuth 2 access token (that you got from Dropbox) that gives your app the ability to make Dropbox API calls. Typically acquired through DbxWebAuth
        host - Dropbox hosts to send requests to (used for mocking and testing)
      • DbxTeamClientV2

        public DbxTeamClientV2​(DbxRequestConfig requestConfig,
                               DbxCredential credential)
        Create a client that uses DbxCredential instead of raw access token. The credential object include access token as well as refresh token, expiration time, app key and app secret. Using credential enables dropbox client to support short live token feature.
        requestConfig - Default attributes to use for each request
        credential - The credential object containing all the information for authentication.
      • DbxTeamClientV2

        public DbxTeamClientV2​(DbxRequestConfig requestConfig,
                               java.lang.String accessToken,
                               DbxHost host,
                               java.lang.String userId)
        Same as DbxTeamClientV2(DbxRequestConfig, String, DbxHost) except you can also set the userId for multiple Dropbox accounts.
        requestConfig - Default attributes to use for each request
        accessToken - OAuth 2 access token (that you got from Dropbox) that gives your app the ability to make Dropbox API calls. Typically acquired through DbxWebAuth
        host - Dropbox hosts to send requests to (used for mocking and testing)
        userId - The user ID of the current Dropbox account. Used for multi-Dropbox account use-case.
      • DbxTeamClientV2

        public DbxTeamClientV2​(DbxRequestConfig requestConfig,
                               DbxCredential credential,
                               DbxHost host,
                               java.lang.String userId)
        Same as DbxTeamClientV2(DbxRequestConfig, DbxCredential) except you can set host and userId.
        requestConfig - Default attributes to use for each request
        credential - The credential object containing all the information for authentication.
        host - Dropbox hosts to send requests to (used for mocking and testing)
        userId - The user ID of the current Dropbox account. Used for multi-Dropbox account use-case.
    • Method Detail

      • asMember

        public DbxClientV2 asMember​(java.lang.String memberId)
        Returns a DbxClientV2 that performs requests against Dropbox API user endpoints as the given team member.

        This method performs no validation of the team member ID.

        memberId - Team member ID of member in this client's team, never null.
        Dropbox client that issues requests to user endpoints as the given team member
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If memberId is null
      • asAdmin

        public DbxClientV2 asAdmin​(java.lang.String adminId)
        Returns a DbxClientV2 that performs requests against Dropbox API user endpoints as the given team admin.

        This method performs no validation of the team admin ID.

        adminId - Team member ID of the admin in client's team, never null.
        Dropbox client that issues requests to user endpoints as the given team Admin.
        java.lang.IllegalArgumentException - If adminId is null